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Ielts speaking topics with possible answers pdf book. Ielts speaking test in india sample questions and answers. Do you know anything about the kinds of fashion that teenagers like. What it is what you do with it how to use it how long you have had it how important it is to you discussion. Hobbies hometown food flowers weather family and friends going out shopping newspaper pets reading technology pollution global warming fashion childhoo. The most fruitful conversations arise spontaneously and there is an art to listening well and asking the right questions to in order to uncover the nuggets of universal interest which provoke stimulating classroom discussion.

Speaking sample task part 1 prompt pdf, 21kb speaking sample task part 1 recording mp3, 631kb. Use your time efficiently and prepare 65 topics that are already available in the app. Running real ielts speaking exam ielts speaking model answer. Part 3 questions look at world issues relating to the topic. Actually i come from nagpur but i have been living in mumbai for over 4 years. Ielts speaking topics january to april 2020 ielts liz. A certified examiner conducts ielts speaking test which is an interactive session of talking and is as close to as a reallife situation as a test can get. Ielts speaking topics 10 most popular ielts speaking part 2 all topics.

Travel is a really common topic for both writing and speaking so try to learn and practice some of the vocabulary below. Ielts speaking part two topic cards about sports, hobbies and free time. As with all speaking tasks, your response should be intelligible, should demonstrate effective use. Get a stepbystep study plan and all necessary materials to prepare for your. Lexical resource having sufficient vocabulary to express yourself on both familiar and unfamiliar topics.

In ielts speaking part 3, the examiner will ask the broader range of questions based on the ielts speaking part 2. In the real ielts speaking part 1, you will be asked around five questions. Teenagers do you like to spend time with teenagers. Then you must speak for one to two minutes on that topic. If you are asked to speak on your favorite book or a book that had a major influence on you, you must acknowledge title of the book and its author. Practice all 3 parts of the test the examiner is listening to you speak and judging how well you speak from the. Take a few minutes out at the start of your day and listen to these calming music videos to add focus and clarity to your busy mind. Ielts speaking part 1 questions and answers top 50 ielts speaking module. Speaking topics for ielts pdf in part 1, you answer questions about yourself, your family, your work and your. So, you will need to prepare ielts speaking topics in total in order to get fully prepared for your ielts speaking test. Speaking sample task part 3 part 3 twoway discussion lets consider first of all how peoples values have changed. However, i would suggest you still read the first part of the post, which delves into how you can get the most out of your conversation practice. Read the examiner comments for roberto and simones speaking test. Batch 1 batch 2 ielts speaking topics 20 batch 3 batch 4.

What do you think of the importance of museums in history. Learn vocabulary ielts speaking part 2 with free interactive flashcards. What happened was my parents surprised me on my birthday by telling me that they were going to take me to a theme part that is a few hours from our house. Ielts speaking is a onetoone interaction between the candidate and an examiner. Friends and families can also come up in part two although the same topic is never used twice in the same test. Ielts speaking topics with answers britishielts blog. You have one minute to read the instructions and prepare your answer. Oxford dictionary is often my first choice as it tops others in its provision of a wealth of entries with accuracy. Describe a museum 1 how often do you visit the museum. Tell ps to work alone and to write down as many topics under the heading familiar topics as they can in one minute.

Top 78 topics for ielts speaking part 2 and 3 with suggested answers from september to december 2017 pdf to help you prepare well for ielts speaking test, we would like to introduce our collection of top frequent topics for all 3 parts in ielts speaking test. In ielts speaking part 2 you will shown some instructions on a topic card. Record yourself using your phone or computer and listen to your responses. Ielts speaking topics compilation ielts exams tips. In part 1, you answer questions about yourself, your family, your work and your. The examiner will also expect answers with more explanations and examples in general. Free ielts speaking practice tests ielts essentials from idp.

The three parts give the candidate the opportunity to use a range of different speaking skills. Ielts speaking topics pdf ielts speaking part one and students like speaking about, they are well worth. If you want to jump straight to downloading the conversation topics, you may scroll down to the end of the page. Included under the main topic sentence, are four additional prompts telling you what areas to. All topics for speaking part 3 are the same as part 2.

Best ielts preparation materials and practice book for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Topics for ielts speaking with possible answers pdf 2,5 mb. However, when i cant get the hang of a words meaning, id go for an english. Besides common topics like introduction, work, studies below are some of the recently introduced ielts speaking topics of 2016. With his great leadership quality, he had been one of the most prominent personalities in world history and i want to learn. With your download, get the 14 best papers relevant to this one, including top related papers.

How to talk about where you live and your homeapartment. Top 10 ielts speaking topics of 2016 britishielts blog. Are you using some language to link and organise your. Top 78 topics for ielts speaking part 2 from september to. Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so dont worry if i stop you. In the ielts speaking test, you will be given exactly 1 minute to prepare yourself to talk about a particular topic and this topic is called ielts cue card or candidate task card. Ielts speaking part 2 all topics with answers foreign. It is a test of language and communication and not knowledge and all you need to do is say why you dont know. Being able to link ideas and language together clearly. In part 2 of the speaking exam, you will be given a prompt card that asks you to talk about a particular topic. Its used for university admissions, immigration, and employment. Im the cofounder of e2language, which provides students with online test preparation for their high stakes english tests. Speaking sample task part 2 transcript part 2 individual long turn transcript examiner. Ielts speaking, part 2, test 3 free practice for ielts.

Hi well, its not a problem at all in ielts speaking if you dont know the answer. In ielts speaking part 1, you will be asked a range of questions on familiar topics. Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work. Dont just practice for 1 or 2 parts of the speaking exam, prepare for all 3 parts.

It is crucial that students record their answers for all the questions in the set in. Especailly, childrens early experiences, for instance the bonds they form with their parents and silblings and their first learning. On this page, you will find common ielts speaking topics and sample answers. Being a student or a teacher can be stressful sometimes. My plan is to add to this about once a month, so please check back from. In this part you have to speak for 12 minutes about a topic. From these sample ielts speaking topics with answers, try to conceptualize ways you can deliver responses during your examination. Are your ideas expressed clearly and easy to understand. What are some tips to make up stories in ielts speaking. After one minute, put ps into pairs to combine lists and add any new ideas to the list.

Try these practice questions with a partner and then check below to compare the sample answers with your own. Personally speaking, i make use of both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries. If you do that youll still use good language and s. Voice real ielts speaking examtest recent ielts speaking topics and questions 2020. Here is a compilation of possible topics for the ielts speaking tasks. Practice answering these questions according to the ielts speaking band descriptors. Recently, i decided i needed to figure out how possible it really is to get an ielts 9 in speaking. This is an ielts writing task 2 sample answer essay from the real exam on the topic of traveling to other countries. Band descriptors public version band fluency and coherence lexical resource grammatical range and accuracy pronunciation 9 speaks fluently with only rare repetition or selfcorrection. What are some of the common topics for ielts speaking. Your talk should last for approximately 2 minutes until the examiner asks you to stop. Please find below the list of common topics for ielts speaking. Choose from 500 different sets of vocabulary ielts speaking part 2 flashcards on quizlet.

Ielts speaking test, part 2 speak about a topic for 12. Learn ielts topic vocabulary the easy way, presented as you might use the words and expressions in an ielts speaking exam. The examiner will ask you further questions connected to the topic in part 2. When youve completed each lesson, try using the vocabulary in an ieltsstyle practice test. Here is a list of speaking test part 2 topics i have compiled from my collection of ielts practice test textbooks and from my own ideas.

Ielts speaking part 1 sample questions the ielts coach. Ielts speaking part two tasks on these topics, arranged a z by topic, key word or grammar point so that you can quickly find a suitable one to fit in with the topic of your class or the interests of your students. Read as much as possible about general topics like food, music, education in your country, hobbies, work, lifestyleetc if you have ideas at your disposal, language will flow automatically. What kind of things give status to people in your country. Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the test. We all know studying a little each day pays off and will help you get that top grade youre after. Each of the 3 parts contribute to your overall speaking score. For an example of a mock speaking test, you can refer to this page. This is an interviewstyle assessment, where testtakers are asked basic questions about their personal lives and their personal opinions. Want to get the desired band score in ielts speaking fast and easily. Afterwards you can compare your recording to a sample answer.

The examiner will strictly control the time in this part. Ielts speaking part 1 questions and answers top 50 ielts speaking part 2 all topics with answers ielts speaking part 2 40 most important topics with annswers. Luckily, the 6 to 8 most popular topics in ielts speaking part one e. In part 3, you have a longer discussion on the topic. There is a big bookshelf beside my brothers room so that my brother can easily get books to read. The speaking module consists of a facetoface interview with an examiner. Ielts speaking actual tests jan apr 2018 and suggested. The speaking test is the same for both academic and general training tests. The examiner will lead the candidate through the three parts of the test.